2010 resolutions!!

So here we are, 2010.

Can anyone really believe it’s been ten years since the millennium?

It’s strange to think that I was in primary school when the decade started and now it’s finished I’m at university!!

2010 should be one of the most exciting years of my life; I have lots of plans this year and cannot wait until I head off to Minnesota in August for my year in America!!

There’s a lot of things I want to achieve this year; from little things like learning to relax and sleeping more to getting a promotion at work and getting some work experience over summer, but there are some new year goals that I would like to hit throughout the year:

1.Stop biting my nails

This is a habit I’ve had since I was born and no amount of gorgeous nail varnish ever seems to make me stop!! But I’ve decided after making this resolution every year of my life that 2010 will be the year I make it happen!! As my mum tells me; I’ll never get a career working for a magazine with bitten down ragged nails. So here goes nothing.

2. Find my feet with this blog.

I’ve wanted to start a fashion blog for about a year now and I’m already really excited about it. I have tones of ideas so I can’t wait to really get started. There’s a lot to learn about fashion and blogging but I’m hoping I’ll get there in time.

3. Become more adventurous with fashion

Although I’ve started to develop my own sense of style in the last year or so there are always new trends I want to try or new outfits to create. I really want to get as much as I can from my own wardrobe, find new outfits that make me feel amazing, make an effort every day with what I wear and stand out from the crowd!!

4. Start exploring vintage and charity shops

I am as guilty as most people for shopping in all the same shops, and secretly envying people who say with a sense of self satisfaction “oh I found it in a charity shop.” This one is going to take a lot of dedication for me as I absolutely hate rooting through sales and cluttered shops, but part of me knows the outcome will one day be worth it!!

5. Take inspiration in everything

I’m a notorious people watcher and love admiring other people’s outfits and trying to come up with something similar from what I already own. I recently admired a purple tartan skirt my 83 year old grandmother was wearing, and she then donated it to me!! I can’t wait to get it tailored.

6. Find out more about the world of fashion

Except for reading Glamour religiously, visiting fashion blogs occasionally and flicking through fashion books every now and again, most of my fashion knowledge is simply made up from what I see and admire around me, but I know to keep a blog this isn’t enough. I will aim to visit more blogs more regularly and find out more about what if going on in the world of fashion.

7. Live life to the full, don’t procrastinate and do things that make me happy.

Simple as that.

Tomorrow I am hopefully going to hit the sales in Manchester so my next blog post will hopefully be a documentation of my finds and even though it’s a bit late, a look at the lovely things I received for Christmas and how I plan to use them!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!

Charlotte xxx


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