Oh the weather outside is frightful!!
Hell, fellow fashionistas!!
Well the weather outside is definitely frightful!! Up here we’ve had some of the worst snow in the county, and while it does look gorgeous I’m getting a little sick of only being able to wear ugg boots and layer upon layer of cardigans whenever I leave the house!! Today I am looking particularly unstylish as I have a day of essay writing, only leaving the house for a hair appointment (which I am desperately in need of, the quiff the other day was a last resort as a result of my now-blindingly long fringe) so I’m in a typically student-y uniform of skinny jeans, inappropriate and overtly sexual topshop tshirt and my bright blue University of Birmingham hoodie (which I confess I adore, particularly at home as our campus is generally overcome with people in similar hoodies). I am very rarely a hoodie girl, in fact I don’t often wear jeans due to my inability to find tops that I like and my passion for dresses and skirts. I frequently go out shopping specifically for tops and come home with at least one skirt, thinking, ah well, I’ll just wear a plain top with this skirt. Topshop skirts are my weakness- I have several ‘egg-shaped’ ones with amazing patterns on; my favourite being a white haunted house print skirt, which is amazing.
But yesterday I dragged my dad out into the snow to take some photos of me. Unfortunately I hate most of them, especially since my dad decided to take more photos of the garden than actually of me, and the majority are taken so far away you can only just make me out. But still, he did an okay job. My friend Ellen has agreed to be my official photographer when we get back to uni, and I have also ordered a little clip tripod which apparently will clip onto anything, and vowed to have my camera which me at all time, particularly on campus. Our campus is absolutely stunning and would make a great backdrop for photos on a quiet Saturday when it isn’t bustling with students.
Yesterday’s outfit was a bit of a mismash of prints, but that was what I was going for (inspired by the amazingly gorgeous Delightfully Tacky). Striped New Look top, bright blue Topshop dress (the observant of you might notice its the same as the pinky one I was wearing on Sunday!!) Topshop check shirt, Next tartan tights and Barratts patent lace ups (which I don’t think you can see as the snow was so thick!!). I am very appreciative of the advice of Tieka at Selective Potential- she is absolutely amazing and her blog is fab- can you believe she’s only been blogging 4 months?
My hair is looking pretty different now to these photos from yesterday so keeping watching tomorrow for my newly reddy-pinky-blondey hair!!

I can't wait for my tripod to arrive!! There were a few photos I didn't like but these were the okayish ones. I can't wait to get back to uni to take some more!! I'll probably have a good old go with the self timer tomorrow!! I also can't wait to get photoshop back- GIMP is okay but it just isn't the same!!
I'm also really excited because my new Topshop heart print tights (which I talked about a few posts ago) have arrived so I think i'll be co-ordinating my outfit around them tomorrow!!
Let me know what you think!!
Charlotte xxx
Well the weather outside is definitely frightful!! Up here we’ve had some of the worst snow in the county, and while it does look gorgeous I’m getting a little sick of only being able to wear ugg boots and layer upon layer of cardigans whenever I leave the house!! Today I am looking particularly unstylish as I have a day of essay writing, only leaving the house for a hair appointment (which I am desperately in need of, the quiff the other day was a last resort as a result of my now-blindingly long fringe) so I’m in a typically student-y uniform of skinny jeans, inappropriate and overtly sexual topshop tshirt and my bright blue University of Birmingham hoodie (which I confess I adore, particularly at home as our campus is generally overcome with people in similar hoodies). I am very rarely a hoodie girl, in fact I don’t often wear jeans due to my inability to find tops that I like and my passion for dresses and skirts. I frequently go out shopping specifically for tops and come home with at least one skirt, thinking, ah well, I’ll just wear a plain top with this skirt. Topshop skirts are my weakness- I have several ‘egg-shaped’ ones with amazing patterns on; my favourite being a white haunted house print skirt, which is amazing.
But yesterday I dragged my dad out into the snow to take some photos of me. Unfortunately I hate most of them, especially since my dad decided to take more photos of the garden than actually of me, and the majority are taken so far away you can only just make me out. But still, he did an okay job. My friend Ellen has agreed to be my official photographer when we get back to uni, and I have also ordered a little clip tripod which apparently will clip onto anything, and vowed to have my camera which me at all time, particularly on campus. Our campus is absolutely stunning and would make a great backdrop for photos on a quiet Saturday when it isn’t bustling with students.
Yesterday’s outfit was a bit of a mismash of prints, but that was what I was going for (inspired by the amazingly gorgeous Delightfully Tacky). Striped New Look top, bright blue Topshop dress (the observant of you might notice its the same as the pinky one I was wearing on Sunday!!) Topshop check shirt, Next tartan tights and Barratts patent lace ups (which I don’t think you can see as the snow was so thick!!). I am very appreciative of the advice of Tieka at Selective Potential- she is absolutely amazing and her blog is fab- can you believe she’s only been blogging 4 months?
My hair is looking pretty different now to these photos from yesterday so keeping watching tomorrow for my newly reddy-pinky-blondey hair!!

I can't wait for my tripod to arrive!! There were a few photos I didn't like but these were the okayish ones. I can't wait to get back to uni to take some more!! I'll probably have a good old go with the self timer tomorrow!! I also can't wait to get photoshop back- GIMP is okay but it just isn't the same!!
I'm also really excited because my new Topshop heart print tights (which I talked about a few posts ago) have arrived so I think i'll be co-ordinating my outfit around them tomorrow!!
Let me know what you think!!
Charlotte xxx
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