21 Things I Want To Do Before I'm 21.

Carrying on from my Twenty Things I have Learnt Now I'm (nearly!!) Twenty, I was thinking of another list like that I could do, when I came up with 21 Things I want to do before I'm 21.
There's probably a lot of things on this list I won't manage. And a lot of them depend on factors other than my determination, but I'm going to give them my best shot.
(I'll do a proper post tomorrow about my birthday, but I want to get this down while it's fresh in my mind!!)
1. Be Taken Out for Dinner
At twenty years old, I've never really been taken out for dinner. I mean, not really. I've been taken on dates for coffee or for lunch, and I've been out for meals with boyfriends where we save money by splitting the bill and drinking tap water, but I'm talking romance. Flowers, wine, candles... shallow, maybe, but I am pretty traditional. I want someone to take me out and spoil me. Is that to much to ask?
2. Go to New York
New York has been my dream since I was about 10 years old. I've always wanted to go. I've seen it in the movies and I know it's where I want to be. My dream life is something not dissimilar to that of Carrie Bradshaw's. Living in New York, writing for Vogue... ahh!! My parents have said they will fly over to Minnesota (where I'm spending a year studying next year) and take me to New York for my 21st Birthday next year. Squee!!
3. Drink from a Red Cup!!
For you Americans, this isn't a big deal, but for us British, this is exciting. There are always red cups in parties in American films and you literally can't get them over there!! I can't wait to go to a proper American house party and feel 16 again being too young to drink!! Though I'll miss being able to order a glass of wine legally!!
4. Pick my Dissertation Topic(s)
This time next year (when I will excitingly be 21!!) I really need to have started thinking about my dissertation topic. Or should I say dissertations. Plural. I have two extended essays to write; one for English and one for American Studies. I have ideas for both; something on transgressive fiction for English (I found out that there's a module where I can study Chuck Palahniuk- my FAVOURITE author!!), and something, maybe, on sexuality and women for American Studies. My seminar tutor wrote his dissertation on The Simpsons, so I'm actually considering writing on Sex and the City. I'm taking a course in Feminist Theory next year at Duluth so I'm hoping that will inspire me.
5. Get 1000 hits a day on GNDF
Okay, ambitious. But I'm hoping with a lot of hard work I could do it. I hope so anyway. I have a lot of ideas for this blog, it's just executing them!!
6. Take a photography course.
Again, to help with my blog. I got a tripod for my birthday and I really want to learn to take great self portraits for my blog. (If anyone knows any great tutorials that would be amazing!!) I'd really like to take a photography course and then maybe upgrade to a SLR camera.
7. Be a better driver
Right, I'm an okay driver. I passed my test first time 2 years ago, but I only really drive now when I come home for the holidays and I'm a nervous driver. I want to practice my motorway driving and be confident enough to drive on motorways alone, and practice my parking, which right now, terrifies me.
8. Get the position of Lifestyle Editor of my student newspaper
Now this is one I might not achieve, but it would be my dream if I could. I wanted to go for it this year, but obviously with me having a year abroad next year I wasn't able to go for it. I'm hoping to carry on writing for the newspaper next year from America and trying to get in touch with the current editors next year about maybe having some kind of email-based interview. Even Skype!! Finger's crossed. I'd love to get my job, I'd love the challenge and it would really help me prove how serious I am about being a magazine journalist.
9. Help SFB become huge.
Failing that, or as well as, I'd love to help Student Fashion Blog become a fabulous equivalent to the amazing College Fashion. Michael has a great vision, I hope he can make it a reality.
10. Vintage Shop
Something I've wanted to do for a while and I'm determined to get started with. Lauren, who I'm going to Minnesota with, is fabulous and a great vintage shopper. I hope she can show me a thing or two!!
11. Learn a New Skill
I'm not sure what yet. Maybe it will be photography? But I've always wanted to learn to knit, or play guitar. In my head by a beautiful indie boy on a beach somewhere...
12. Get Awesome Work Ex.
Oh, please please please!! I'm on the reserves list for Look Magazine, and I have some work ex in fashion over summer, but I'd love something solid at a magazine. The pushy, mithering emails are going out soon...
13. Stop Biting my Nails.
14. Get something published
And not just in my student newspaper. t I'd love to have something published in a real magazine or newspaper, regional or national.
15. Write for the student newspaper in Minnesota
Because I've written so much this year for Redbrick I'd love to branch out to something different. I want to write as much as possible for as many publications as possible before I finish uni.
16. Start a new blog
When I got abroad, I'm definitely going to keep this blog going, but I really want to start a whole new blog about my travels and experiences in America.
17. Love every minute of next year
I can't wait to go to America, and I know it's going to be hard and different and I'm going to get homesick, but I really want to enjoy it as much as possible. It's going to be an amazing year.
18. Be more spontaneous
I am a very organised person, I like to know exactly what I'm doing and what is going on, but in regards to next year, I want to take every opportunity I get.
19. Be on a target for a 2.1
Above everything, my degree is probably the important thing in my life. So far, I'm doing pretty well, and I'm getting 2.1s and Firsts in all of my marked work. I just need to keep this up for the next 2 and a half years!! Especially with exam season coming up- urgh!!
20. Host a dinner party
I love to cook, and I love entertaining. I don't eat meat and I've never cooked it, but I'd love to host a dinner party. I watch enough Come Dine with Me, I should know how to get it right!!
21. Fall in love
Enough said. I've been single for a year now and I just want to meet someone and fall in love. I'm ready for that again now.
I love reading others' goals and I think yours are pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteAm N luv with reading others goals, and i hope u did it All, Specially ; " stop biting ur nails "