dressed to impress

I'm not sure what it is the past few weeks but I've finally started to feel like a fashion blogger.
I don't feel as nervous and embarrassed going out in something that is a bit out there.
I've just started to feel more confident in who I am and what I'm wearing.
It may have something to do with the fact that the last few weeks I've been running into the guy I like nearly every day, so I decided that it was important that I look fabulous every day. And that didn't just mean my skirts got shorter (even though they did. Noticeably...), it meant that I made sure every day I may an effort. And that I tried something new every day. Whether it was wearing a dress as a skirt, or swapping my usual black tights for skin colour tights and socks (I love that socks are in this season- I'm wearing knee-highs right now!!), or wearing something I'd normally save for evening in the day time.
And well, I'm not sure if he appreciated it, but other people did. I had loads of compliments, but also a fair few criticisms. At lot of people have told me I try too hard. And there were days that I worried I was so dressed up that people would think I was doing the walk of shame!! But when all you have to look forward to is a day in the library, why not dress up for it? I've really enjoyed dressing up everyday, and if people think it's daft then I just tell myself, 'Im a fashion blogger. I want to stand out.'
I've also really enjoyed experimenting with new trends; ankle and knee socks have been everywhere this season and they've been a lot of fun to wear. I went out last Wednesday night in socks and high-heeled Mary Janes and I loved the look!! I've also been less afraid to mix patterns and prints and just have fun!! Fashion should always be about having fun.
I've always wanted to turn heads. And I may not be beautiful enough to do that, but if I can do it with the way I dress, I will. And it must be working; I got picked out to be photographed my my university newspaper (which I write for as much as I can!!), last week :]]
My mum always looks fantastic and she's just as high maintenance as I am. I really don't care that I have to get up an hour and a half before I leave the house to get ready and spent 30 minutes + doing my hair. Call me self-absorbed, called me shallow. I fully accept that. I am a nightmare. I am so demanding and high maintenance and obsessed with the way I look. But I always make the effort whether I'm going out clubbing or nipping to get milk.
So, do you dress to impress? Do you only dress to impress if there's someone in particular you want to impress? Do you think I'm as superficial and self-absorbed as most people think I am?
I'd be really interested to hear what you think.
(outfit posts coming soon- promise!!)
Charlotte xxx
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