First post at SFB!!

Okay, so the image I used didn't quite work, but oh well. My first post for SFB is going to be the first in a series on fashion rules and how to break them. My first post is on double denim.
You can read it here.
It's weird writing for a different blog to here. I have to bear in mind a more student based audience, and also a male audience, which I've never really thought about before. But it should be a challenge, and an exciting challenge!!
I also received an invitation to join Delance Fashion today, which was quite exciting. It's a social networking site for bloggers, so I'm hoping it'll help me get my blog noticed more.
I also reapplied for membership at lookbook and weardrobe today, so fingers crossed!!
I really want to get my blog out there more, so the only way to do it is to join lots of websites and read lots of blogs!!
Please, if you know anyone who might be interested in reading my blog, link them across to it. It would really mean a lot. Keep reading and commenting, I love you all!!
Charlotte xxx
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