Five ways to mix up your wardrobe for Spring

I know how it gets, it’s finally spring and suddenly everything in your wardrobe feeling so last year, and you feel like you’ve worn every outfit before in a million different ways. No-one needs to be buying tonnes and tonnes of new things for Spring (though I do think there are so essentials you need for Spring/Summer 2010, maybe I should write on that…*makes note*) so I have a few tips on mixing up the wardrobe you already own…
- Wear a dress as a top
I demonstrated this last week here, and this works great with a bandage skirt. As long as the dress is short enough to cover the length of the skirt, this will work great. I am awful at buying tops, and always come out with armfuls of dresses, so this is a great way to get extra wear out of those pretty dresses. Watch out for material (stretchy and float) materials work best for this), styles and patterns, and consider different colours and style of skirt. Don’t be afraid to mix patterns; this was a great trend for S/S10.
2. Layer up your evening wear
I wrote about this on my last post, but it’s kinda more resonant here. Most evening dresses, in particular strapless dresses, can look great over a t shirt or long sleeved top. Try a printed dress over a striped top, or an LBD over a white t shirt (I did that here). It gives a new lease of life to those evening clothes that often only come out when you have a night on the town!!
3. Mix up your shoes
Normally wear your skirt with flats? Try it out with boots. Black and white outfit? Wear bright pink shoes!! Mix it up with your shoes and have a bit of fun. Don’t just pick out your standard black ballet flats!! Shoes say a lot about a person, what do yours say?
4. Accessories
Okay, so we all know this one. But a great scarf, or statement necklace can really complete an outfit. Tie a scarf in a new way, or wear a bracelet round your ankle instead for a change. Mix it up with patterned or bright coloured tights, or ankle socks. One little feature can really change the whole look of an outfit. Change your jacket or throw a shirt over instead of a cardigan for a great street look. Denim shirts are really in at the moment, or use your old checkered shirt that you have lying round from last year.
5. Change how you wear it; hair, makeup ect…
Like I showed a few days ago here, I really like how my outfits take on a whole new lease of life when I wear them with my glasses. Adding a bright lip or smokey eye can really change an outfit. Even doing your hair differently can completely change an outfit.
I’ve realise as I’ve been writing this that it is quite similar to the post before, but I think mixing up your wardrobe is interesting and fun. I’m the world’s worst for getting bored and everything I own and storming out with an ‘I have nothing to wear!!’. College Fashion have a great post on it here, and I think it’s really important that you wear things in new and different ways to avoid getting bored of your wardrobe. Fashion should always be fun and inspiring!! I generally, in life, have a very short a attention span, and I hate looking the same.
Another great tip is to borrow things from people, or even swap. Your housemates, your friends, your siblings, even your mum and grandma!! Different people wear things in such different ways, it's always fun to see how your style shows in what you wear. Observe the street, people you see on campus, and websites such as LookBook and The Satorialist. I also find having this blog and taking pictures of my outfits every day keeps me on my toes and stops me repeating what I 've worn a few days before!!
Have fun, and feel free to email me at for any tips and advice. I'd love to bear what you think!!
Right, I think I’m going to get on writing a Top Ten Things You Need for Spring, inspired by this post!!
Charlotte xxx
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