Geek chic.
I don't really wear my glasses very often because I am a slave to my contacts, but I decided today I'd give my eyes and treat and not wear my contacts!! One of my friends I've been friends with for quite a while now only found out last week I wear glasses!!
Weirdly enough, when I wear my glasses, instead of trying to hide the fact I look like a geek, I always choose to embrace it. I love to dress up and today I felt like I was in character rather than just another day.

I apologise for the really shitty, amateurish 'photos in the mirror'. The ones I took with my camera were really really rubbish and I just wanted to capture the outfit before I got undressed!!
As I said in my last post, I really love knee socks. I think they're so cute for spring; warm, but not as dark and wintery as black opaque tights. Plus I think they have such a naughty, sexy edge to them that you really can't avoid. I definitely got some strange looks today but I felt great!!

shirt- topshop, vest- topshop, shorts- topshop, socks- H&M, leather jacket- H&M, boots- vintage, pearls- topshop
My housemate has a full length mirror in her room- I'm very jealous!! I always go in her room to see what my shoes look like with my outfit!!

This was pretty much the only non 'mirror' photos that actually came out okay!! One of my housemates came in while I was taking them so I got a bit embarrassed and stopped!!
I think knee high socks are my new favourite thing ever :]]]
Right I'd better actually go be the geek I am and go finish off my American History essay. 'Assess the impact of the atom bomb on American culture, 1945-60?' anyone?
I'll try to take some more outfit photos later to put up tomorrow but I've majorly crippled my neck today and I can hardly move it so I'm not sure what they'd turn out like even if I did get a chance to take them.
Have a fabulous Tuesday,
Charlotte xxx
Weirdly enough, when I wear my glasses, instead of trying to hide the fact I look like a geek, I always choose to embrace it. I love to dress up and today I felt like I was in character rather than just another day.

I apologise for the really shitty, amateurish 'photos in the mirror'. The ones I took with my camera were really really rubbish and I just wanted to capture the outfit before I got undressed!!
As I said in my last post, I really love knee socks. I think they're so cute for spring; warm, but not as dark and wintery as black opaque tights. Plus I think they have such a naughty, sexy edge to them that you really can't avoid. I definitely got some strange looks today but I felt great!!

shirt- topshop, vest- topshop, shorts- topshop, socks- H&M, leather jacket- H&M, boots- vintage, pearls- topshop

My housemate has a full length mirror in her room- I'm very jealous!! I always go in her room to see what my shoes look like with my outfit!!

This was pretty much the only non 'mirror' photos that actually came out okay!! One of my housemates came in while I was taking them so I got a bit embarrassed and stopped!!
I think knee high socks are my new favourite thing ever :]]]
Right I'd better actually go be the geek I am and go finish off my American History essay. 'Assess the impact of the atom bomb on American culture, 1945-60?' anyone?
I'll try to take some more outfit photos later to put up tomorrow but I've majorly crippled my neck today and I can hardly move it so I'm not sure what they'd turn out like even if I did get a chance to take them.
Have a fabulous Tuesday,
Charlotte xxx
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