i'm a mountain that has been moved.

I saw this dress yesterday and instantly fell in love with it. I love the sticky out skirt and the gorgeous floral pattern and the edgy studded belt. And as I went to the till I saw this white lace top and just couldn't resist getting it for layering underneath!! I really want to get one in black as well; it'll be so nice for making my summery-and-a-bit-awkward strapless dresses easier to wear!!

Problem is, this is one of my favourite outfits ever, but I'm really not a fan of the shoot. My camera ran out of battery half way through, so there are no good pictures of me in the full outfit; which included my leather jacket for a bit of an edge. And yeah, meh. I'm getting bored of my usual poses and I really need to experiment with different shooting modes and places, but I just feel stuck in a rut a bit with my photography. Any advice would be amazing!!

Today has been a nice day again. I had my eyebrows done and then headed off to the library, did some work, went for a coffee and a sandwich and then back to work!! I'm looking forward to going back to uni but I am going to miss being home- but I'll probably get more work done!! I have work on Saturday night and I absolutely lovelovelove my job, and plus the place where I work has been all done up while I've been home for Easter and I can't wait to see it :]]] I also can't wait to see all my friends. I have so much fun at work. HI EMILY, FAYE, HANNAH AND HELEN :DD I also got an email today about whether I want to be trained as kitchen staff, which I definitely want to do and I'm very excited about it. I love the possibility to learn new things!!

Oooh my glasses have arrived- already!! I'm going to pick them up tomorrow. Maybe some glasses photos coming up?

I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with this blog when I go back. The idea of putting it on hiatus really upsets me, and I wonder if I'll have loads of ideas while I'm not writing and then feel uninspired or unable to write down what I wanted to say when I get back. But outfit photos are a no-no. They take up way too much time. Time I don't have anymore. But what makes me sad is that I've really loved posting up my outfits every day. It's been such a wonderful challenge to wear something new and exciting every day and I've really loved it. And I love all your wonderful comments. I'm so proud of this blog. I really feel like I'm getting somewhere with it now. But at least if I stop doing outfit posts I can wear the same outfits over and over again!! I always feel the need to wear something new every day so I don't let you all down!!
Blogging though, I really love. I'm thinking of writing an article for my student newspaper on blogging but I'm not sure what angle to take yet. I'm excited though. I love writing for the Lifestyle section. It's so fun, and it's what made me decide I wanted to be a magazine writer, get into fashion and start a blog. I'd really really love the opportunity to be editor next year. I wanted to go for it this year, but they said it wasn't fair with me going away for a year, but to email them next year and they'll see what they can do and make sure they write me a recommendation to the new editors. Fingers crossed!! I'm going to keep writing next year though so the editors know how important it is to me and how much I want it. I have so many ideas for the section, and I know I could do it justice. It's such a passion for me.

Going away is frustrating though, because right now all I can think of is what I'm missing out on and what I'm leaving behind. There was a promotion available at work that I was desperate for and know I deserved, but I wasn't allowed to go for it on account of the fact I won't be there. There were three of us who really wanted it, and in my opinion deserved it, who weren't allowed to go for it. I mean, we might get a chance next year, but we might not. But it's very frustrating. Especially when some people who got the promotion, in my opinion, didn't deserve it as much as we did. But you have to learn from these experiences don't you? These things are there to try you. And I really hope the experiences I gain from my year abroad surpass being promoted or being a newspaper editor. And hey, you never know, I might get all three in the end.

dress (including belt)- pilot lace top- pilot boots- office flower hair clip- new look jewellery- topshop/ark/punkypins.co.uk
I'm feeling a lot better about, well, the world today. I got a bit upset yesterday about the stressed of my year abroad and worried about work experience and whether I'll ever get a job. But today I got an email about writing an interview for a magazine, a real magazine, over summer. I'm so excited. I hope it all comes off. And I'm excited for the other opportunity I should be starting after exams. It's way out of my comfort zone, but such a challenge!!
I have another idea for a post tonight but I really should get back to work :[[ I'll see if I have time, if not I'll try to write it over weekend :]]]
Drops me lots of lovely comments, please :DD
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