i'm not going to make you my everything if i'm only your something.

Like I said in my last post, if someone said to be 5 years ago I was going to be wearing a denim jacket again I'd tell them they were crazy!! But I do love the summer-dress-and-denim-jacket look for the ultimate in laid back cool. This is a look I'm going to be wearing a lot over the next few months!!

This denim jacket is just perfect!! I love the faded vintage feel it has even thought it's only from New Look!! My mum found me a great little denim waistcoat that was hers when she was my age- vintage!! It's fab and I can't wait to wear it (I got so excited when I read this post!!), but it was just a bit cold to go bare-armed today!!

I initially went to the park to to take photos, but I didn't go until 4pm when it was full of school children and dog walkers and mums with buggies, so I got a bit embarrassed and only took a few.

I was just going to go home, but then I found a nice tree and decided and man up and take a couple!!
I love this dress. This dress means summer is coming. And come spring my black tights get replaced with my navy ones, which I love :]]] and I get to use my big coral bag. Which I think actually belongs to my mum... But it does mean I have to start thinking soon about fake tan for summer. I love fake tan, but it is such a hassle. This dress looks great with a tan.

So I was feeling disheartened so I walked home and stopped off at the shop to buy some essentials- Glamour and a can of diet Coke. But as I got home to take some photos in the back garden as usual I noticed that the sunlight in the front garden was gorgeous, so I decided to have a bit of a change and take some photos there!!

I'm still not really sure about my new hair colour. I miss my usual bright, bright pink. I feel a bit lost without it. I don't quite feel me, I dunno. What do you think? I just think it's a bit dark. I might feel a bit differently in the morning when I've washed and styled it myself.

One thing I don't like about the arrival of Spring is my hayfever. I get it quite badly at the beginning on Spring, but it usually goes by about May. It does make me a bit horribly itchy and sniffly for a few weeks though and today one of my eyes was quite bloodshot so I have my sunglasses on for most of the photos!!
In other exciting news, I joined Manchester Fashion Network today, which was £10, but it means I get access to a lot of deals and job opportunities which is quite exciting. I've already applied for two jobs!!

dress- new look denim jacket- new look tights- unknown shoes- new look
(yes, I am all in New Look today!!)
And I've also been asked by A D at Handsewn Heats to be the featured blogger for May, which is very, very exciting. It's the first time I've been asked to be a featured blogger, and I've also been asked to write a guest post!! I'm very excited about the opportunity and very thankful to be asked!!
So yes, that was my day!! I also finished all my essay notes so I can start sorting my plan out- yay!!
I did take some photos of the park which I might put up tomorrow or over the weekend if I get chance. I do intend to go back at some point and take some photos when I feel less embarrassed.
Any advice for not feeling stupid when taking outfit photos in public?
Charlotte xxx
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