virtual shopping and real life shopping.

I'm full of a cold today so I don't really feel like an outfit post. But you'll be glad to know i'm not wearing nude today!! I am wearing this Henry Holland playsuit with my leather jacket opaque tights and boots :]]] It looks nice for more of a Spring look, but I think I'll wear it with bare legs and a denim jacket when it gets warmer.
Today has been spent wandering around my town centre looking for presents and cold remedies, and writing notes for my American Literature and Society in the 1920s essay. Yes, fun. But I did buy a gorgeous nude bag from River Island with some of my birthday money, and exchanged this dress from Dorothy Perkins for another size. Isn't it gorgeous?
I also ran into my ex's parents today which was... weird. Like, nice weird. It wasn't awkward but it was just a very peculiar turn of events. At least I looked nice!! (I hope that gets back to him...)
And today I finally bought Style Boutique for my Nintendo DS. I've fancied it for a while, and it had good reviews on Amazon so I decided to buy it today with an Asda voucher I got from work at Christmas and my discount card. I eventually got it for £2.50, so even if I hate it I can't complain at that!! I've only played it a bit so far (I decided it was thorough procrastination and I really should get back to my essay...) but so far it is quite fun!! I'll keep you posted!!
Talking of essays and exams and such, I think when I go back to Uni in a few weeks I'm going to put GNDF on hiatus for a few weeks until my exams are over. As much as I love it, I think it's just going to be a distraction during my exams :// I promise lots of updates after the hiatus, and as many as I can manage before!!
Finally getting my hair done tomorrow!! It hasn't been properly pink since January!!
Have a lovely day,
Charlotte xxx
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