I wake up scared to phone her, realise I'm a loner in love

Sorry it's been a couple of days since my last update- crazy week!!
I got a phone call on Wednesday morning (the day of this outfit in fact!!) asking me if I could come home on Friday (yesterday) to do a couple of interviews for work experience for a new magazine launching in my area. So yesterday I spent the day being a real life journalist!! I was doing interviews with people, being introduced as "my journalist" and "the writing department" and absolutely loved it!! It was so exciting to be a real journalist for the day and Angela who runs the magazine said I did really well!! Such great experience and as the magazine grows I'm hoping to be able to write more and even write from America!!
I'm so excited; it's the first time I've really felt like "I can do this, I can be a journalist". I mean granted, it was interviewing and not really the kind of journalism I'm interested in, but it's a start!! I have a phone interview with a band tomorrow too!!

How perfect is this top for me? I saw it a few days ago and thought "I absolutely have to have that!!" I love it, I want to wear it all the time!! Wonder if it will help me nab my Geeky American boy? Fingers Crossed!!

tshirt- David and Goliath skirt- Top Shop socks- unknown belt- primark shoes- peacocks pearls- Top Shop
Well Monday I'm going to Graduate Fashion Week for Student Fashion Blog!! I guess I can add interviewer and reporter to my CV now!! I'm really really excited even though it's going to be horrifically long day, plus I have no idea what to wear. But one thing I will be wearing as these amazing shoes I bought on Wednesday. They're sort or like cloggy peep-toe-y shoe boot-y things!! They're beyond gorgeous!!
Look out over the next few posts for an exciting collaboration between myself and the gorgeous and fabulous Kristi of Accio Hagrid!! GOGOGO read her blog now- she's fantastic!!
I'm off to go play rounders in the park and I'm very excited!! But my housemate Emily moves out today so I'm also really really sad today. I can't believe it's the end of my second year already!! It's all gone so fast!!
Please drop me a comment; I'd love to hear what you have to say!! Especially if you have any ideas for what I should wear to graduate Fashion Week!!
Have a lovely Saturday!!
Charlotte xxx
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