wild thing

I loved this outfit yesterday. It was so minimal effort but I felt like I looked really effortless and sexy. You may not agree!!
Yesterday was quite a boringly productive day. I got up early, faffed around for a few hours, caught up on Glee (but not on the finale yet!!) and then headed onto campus to do all those annoying little jobs that have been peppering my to-do list: taking books back I borrowed for tutors, reporting a book I think I may have lost (eek!!), going to the bank and desperately trying to sort out my tax stuff- blimmin' tax man owes me about £500!!

(I look a bit like a porn star on this picture but I strangely like it!!)
But my quite boring week has turned into quite an exciting week. From thinking I'd just spend yesterday evening working and then going home to bed I ended up going out and had a really good night!! Although I had almost nothing to wear because my parents had taken home all my going out clothes and the playsuit I was going to wear made me feel quite naked!! I went for a nude bandage skirt and vest top though, oh and my amazing shoes!! And big, fat red lips!!

And today is being spent recovering from said night out and going to town to get a bag and a hat for holiday ("The doctor came with his bag and his hat..."), going out for tea and going bowling!! So it's all gotten quite exciting!! I was getting very down about being bored yesterday, but I think with all this writing over summer I'm going to struggle to to bored!! I think I'll be spending a lot of time in a coffee shop with my laptop- I've never felt quite cool enough to do that!!

top/dress- H&M skirt- Top Shop belt- Primark boots- Office jacket- H&M

I've gotta say, I'm going to miss this little house. My other housemate moved out today and it's just so weird to see her room empty!! This year has gone so fast!! I can't believe I go on holiday on MONDAY!! It feels like we've been planning it forever; well, we have been for over a year now. We're flying to Athens for a few days in Greece, then heading off to Italy via ferry and going to Florence and Rome (which I adore), then up to Luxembourg, Switzerland and Paris. I can't wait. I will make sure I take lots of photos!!

Oh and I HAVE to show you these earrings; I love wearing them with this top- they're little leopards!! They were a present from one of my best friends a while ago. They're so adorable :]]]
Have a wonderful day whatever you're doing!!
Charlotte xxx
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