benjamin button.

I took these photos on Thursday. I have a new-found obsession with these white tights. I'd originally envisioned them with a vintage, red spotted white dress and little red mary jane shoes, but my budget at the moment isn't stretching to buying loads of new clothes so I thought I'd see what I could do with what I had!! I love this dress- it's probably one of my favourite things I own. It's perfectly flouncy and girly but still very plain so it can be worn in lots of ways. I loved the way this looked with the white tights and mary jane shoes.

Jackets proved to be a bit of an issue. I'd previously envisioned my mum's gorgeous little cropped houndstooth jacket but it just... didn't work. I wasn't sure about this jacket either; it was a bit too long and I wasn't sure about the style, but it kinda seemed to work out in the end.

I kinda liked the greyscale, over-exposed thing I had going on with these pictures. While I'm home though I'm really going to try to experiment with different locations and more variety in the photos. These were a bit rushed; I just wanted to capture the outfit. I thought black and white looked great in greyscale; but I look a little bit like I'm in a housing catalogue!

dress- new look tights- dorothy perkins shoes- new look pearls- unknown jacket- stolen from mum
My fringe is getting SO long, as you can see from these photos!! It keeps getting in my eyes and driving me crazy!! I'm getting it cut back into a bob and coloured as normal on Tuesday- I can't wait!! I'm looking forward to having my hair all nice again for my auntie's wedding next Saturday. I'm starting to really want a proper shaggy lego hair cut though- I reckon when I graduate I'll bleach my hair blonde all over and have a full fringe. But for now I'm just looking forward to getting my crop back!! I ordered some new TIGI shampoo a few days ago- I love ordering new shampoo!!
I've had a really chilled out day today. I stayed at one of my best friends' (gorgeous!!) flat last night and we had a girly sleepover with cocktails and films and way too much sugar!! We watched 17 Again and one of my all time favourite films; (500) days of summer. If you haven't seen it- watch it!! It's beautiful, especially if you've ever had your heart broken.
Today I just went food shopping with my dad, but managed to forget the list of what we needed so I'm going to have to go back again tomorrow for everything we didn't remember!! I'm also planning on going to see my grandparents tomorrow and having a walk about one of the little villages nearby and checking out their charity shops and perhaps eating my lunch in a park somewhere. It should be a nice relaxing day :]] I have also been looking at my flights to America today but it gets me all nervous!! I'm really scared to book them because then it makes it all very, very real ://
My auntie came round today- I can't believe her wedding is on Saturday!! I'm SO excited. I even made a polyvore set of what I'm wearing to give me an idea of what jewellery I need. The dress and shoes are my actual dress and shoes, but I'm going to try to get another ribbon for in the shoes, and I've found a different little floral cluth and a flower hair clip. I just need to get my bangles and earrings!! I also managed to find those exact floral flats but they haven't arrived yet- I hope they help when my feet start to ache!!
So that's me!! Actually have quite a few things to do this week, my mum should be speaking to the lady she knows at the silk place tomorrow to sort out my work experience for the week after next. Yay!! I'm sure you'll hear from me soon!!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend,
Charlotte xxx
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