converse circa 2007

I took these photos on Saturday, inspired by this post over at College Fashion and my experiences in Europe. EVERYONE wears converse. I mean everywhere. Personally, I haven't really worn converse since I was about 16 when I went through my ill-advised emo phase, where I wore them with everything, but I hadn't dug these out for a good few years until I saw this post. I've just ordered a new pair of pink low-tops (like the ones in the first outfit) as my pink hi-tops are over five years old now, and after a spin in the washing machine still came out a sort of murky, dirty pink. I'm quite about the prospect of rediscovering something I haven't worn for years; it's like getting something brand new. I'll definitely be getting out my black and pink low tops for Summer.

I was really glad to find my green converse went so well with this dress; I also wore them the next day with the same jacket with my floral playsuit which I wore here, which I really liked. I didn't realise I had so many things with green in!!

I really like these photos, and as you can probably tell, I have finally been reunited with photoshop- yay!! I'm going to go on my old PC this week and import all my old backgrounds, textures and brushes and yet started on the new layout for this site- I definitely need a change!!

Yesterday didn't quite go as planned- my lovely walk in the park and charity shopping was ruined by the rain, but alas, I went anyway!! I put my wellies on and my little black hat (photos soon!!) and my gorgeous navy trench coat and trudged about in the rain. There were LOADS of charity shops in the little village where I went, and some of them were beautifully organized!! I came home with a pair of little black heeled booties which are brand new and donated by a manufacturer, for £5.99, a lovely white pussy bow shirt for £3, a Martin Amis book for 99p and a complete works of Shakespeare for £4.99!!

dress- top shop denim jacket- new look necklace- converse- unknown flower- new look
Today I went to get the rest of the jewellery for my Auntie's wedding and managed to get a couple of books from a charity shop too- Bird Song, Starter for Ten and Jane Eyre. I have so much to read; I wish I had more time. I'd love to do 52 books in 52 weeks when I finish uni. I finished Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood, which I really enjoyed, although I don't think it's as good as some of her other work (I studied the Handmaid's Tale for A Level and I loved both Oryx and Crake and The Blind Assassin), and have just started Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis. I love Bret Easton Ellis; I've read almost all of his books now. I read The Informers on holiday (which is probably one of my absolute favourites of his) and I ordered Lunar Park to read when I finish. I also have the new Chuck Palahniuk to read, Tell All AND Pgymy, which I never really started. I've just found out Chuck Palahniuk has a new book coming out next year and am already excited!!

I FINALLY got my hair cut today-yay the bob is back!! My colour is back too- and back to it's usual bright pink!! I need to do it myself though before I like it- I'm always a nightmare when I get my hair cut. I'd glad to have short hair again though, but there probably won't be any photos of my new hair on here for a few days- I have a back log of outfit photos!!

Oh and in other news, I am finally a real intern at College Fashion, check this out!! How exciting is that?! I also published my first article at The Fashion Buzz on Sunday, and will be posting an article there every Sunday. I also have a few article to have written up for the magazine I have been writing for here at home and I start my work experience next week!! So it's all very exciting!!
Right, the Bourne Identity is on now and my dad and I love it (if you've met my dad, you totally get this!!) so I'll see you tomorrow!!
Charlotte xxx
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