oh we're so miserable and stunning.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I don't know where the week has gone. These photos are from last Friday, I just haven't had a chance for outfit photos this week. I've not really had time for anything.

Well I've finished my work experience now. It was interesting and fun to be in a proper office environment which I've never really experienced before. I now know a LOT about silk!! I'm looking forward to earning some money though- it's been a long few weeks not working and having a job at home and a job at uni it's something I never really have to deal with!! I splashed out on this little beauty a few days ago though!! I just need somewhere to wear it...

I wish I'd had some time to take outfit photos this week cause I could show you my other purchases this week- most of which are leopard print!! I don't know what it is but I'm obsessed with leopard print at the moment- I just think it's so cute and sexy if done well. I'm looking forward to getting my leopard print coat out come winter!! I've rediscovered my leopard print tights (which I love with a little black or grey dress) and now have both leopard flats and heels and I borrowed a leopard scarf off my mum which was great with jeans and a black top :]]]

Outfit posts may be few and far between the next couple of weeks though because I am back to work tomorrow!! An 8am til 5 shift on a Sunday is not ideal (especially as I'll have to be up at 6 because my work is a good 45 minute drive away!!) but earning again is going to be fantastic, and I'm looking forward to having my time filled. I've loved being out of the house and doing something the past few weeks!! But the other thing is it also means I'm back in my lovely Asda deli counter uniform- white shirt, black trousers, lime green tabbard and a mesh trilby hat and hair net!! Definitely not an outfit I'd like to appear on this blog!!

This week has been good though. I have another post up at Student Fashion Blog here and don't forget to check The Fashion Buzz tomorrow for my weekly post!! I also went to see one of my editors yesterday about another couple of articles I have to write and I'm now published in a real-life magazine!! On real glossy paper!! It's only a free local one but it's pretty exciting!! The only bad thing this week is that I had a bad day on Tuesday; I was feeling really rubbishy and run down so I had a day of work sleeping and recovering and felt much better the next day. I read a whole book that day though!! I've finished 4 books this week- I hope I can keep it up!! I finished both Bret Easton Ellis' Glamorama and Lunar Park, Douglas Coupland's Generation X and Chuck Palahniuk's Lullaby ( which I've had forever but never got round to reading). I'm now about to start Lolita and then I have Jay McInerney's Bright Lights, Big City to read and then Chuck Palahniuk's most recent two novels; Pygmy and Tell All. Reading for pleasure is such a novelty when you're a literature student!!

Sad as it is, I plan on having an early night tonight with my book!! I know it's saturday night but everyone I know was busy tonight and now I'm working tonight I'm glad of the time to rest. My best friend came over for a catch up earlier though which was nice. Today I've just been clearing out old clothes, unfortunately my mum lured me into keeping a lot of what I'd planned to throw away!! I'm just awful!! I do throw things away I never wear but I'm always so scared of throwing something away and regretting it!! I have a lot of bags and belts to go to the charity shop though which I'm glad about.
trench coat- top shop tights- primark shoes- next denim hair clip- top shop
I realise you can't actually see my outfit at all on these photos, but do not fear, it was intentional!! What is underneath is pretty much exactly what I wore here just with the addition of these gorgeous nude lace tights which I just fell in love with. And only £1!! I also got a fab giant nude bag from Primark too for only £9!! This coat is my spring/summer baby though. It was a massive splurge but it's just beautiful.
Right I'm going to go be sad and go to bed now!! I probably won't have chance for a post tomorrow- not an outfit post anyway!! but you never know :]] Hope you're having a fantastic weekend and not going to bed at 9.15pm after a gossip girl catch up!!
I would love to hear what you think :]]]
Charlotte xxx
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