and I wonder if I ever cross your mind
Today is kinda a sad, but exciting day. This is likely to be one of, if not the, last post at I have just purchased the domain, and within the next few days I will be moving my entire blog over there. I'm sad; I'm going to lose all my stats and comments. I've loved being here at wordpress but I'm ready to move on. Please please please can you update your RSS feeds, bookmarks etc as you will no longer be able to access my blog at this address fairly soon. I'm hoping to open a new account on here though when I've transfer with a post saying "no!! i'm not here anymore!!" so what do you have to remember? !!
Got it? Good :]] I have a lot to update with the new URL but from deciding yesterday I was going to move my blog I am now really happy to be moving. If you click on the link you will see that it's on its way- I've already added a few badges that I couldn't have on my blog here. Obviously there are no posts yet but that should change soon!!

I'm still a bit nervous about moving- there are a lot of aspects of wordpress that I do like. I like the ability to automatically publish to facebook (this isn't possible on blogger, right?) and I can't seem to be able to access blog stats like I can on here, which I love too. Ahh I'm getting cold feet now!! Can someone convince me that I'm doing the right thing? I'm really worried I'm going to lose everything- including all my readers. Promise me you'll all follow me to my new home?

These photos demonstrate that I am in fact the world's most vain person. I started out taking these photos in my glasses (my eyes needed a rest from my contacts-wearing), but I don't like the way I look in my glasses. After a few photos I just took them off!! So these photos are taken mostly of me when I could barely see my hand in front of my face!

This dress is one of those things I absolutely adored when I bought but then went off the longer I had it. It's been down-graded from an evening dress to a day dress, but I think it's pretty enough for the day time without being too OTT. I had a bit of an issue with the belt. It's sort of fitted under the bust and then flares out which has the effect of making me look pregnant!! I wasn't sure whether the belt should be on my waist or where the seam on the dress is. It moves around a bit on these photos!!

dress- top shop tights- dorothy perkins shoes- new look pearls- primark headband- george at asda belt- new look
I'm glad I actually managed to get outfit photos done today- there's been a huge storm today where I live!! It's barely stopped raining like crazy all day. Luckily I've spent the day at home catching up on errands and writing I had to do so I didn't have to leave the house!! I'm glad I managed to get quite a lot done. It stopped raining about 7.30pm so I went out to take some photos. I actually quite like these; I wanted a sort of fairy-in-the-garden aspect and I like the muted, vintage-y colours.
I'm actually getting quite excited about my year abroad now. I spoke to Lauren today to discuss all the millions of things we have to sort out before we go, but we soon got distracted making plans for when we get there and going travelling and what we're going to get up to!! I'm still pretty nervous but I'm kinda excited too. I've added the weather in Duluth onto my iPod and I keep checking to see what it's like over there!!
I'm home alone tonight, which normally bothers me, especially when I've been home all day, but I think I might catch up on Gossip Girl and do some reading. I've started reading Pygmy, which I never got into last time, but I'm being encouraged to read Lolita so I think I'l pick that back up!!
So should I take the plunge and move my blog over? Eeek I'm scared!! Please send me messages of encouragement- this feel like a massively huge big deal. But I love the thought of having my own dot net url- it is pretty exciting.
Charlotte xx
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