Legal Alien.

I'm really sorry that the last few days this has become much more of a travel blog than a style blog. I've just had no time so far to take any photos, plus a lack of garden means there's nowhere private to take them and I get embarrassed taking them in public. I need to get my guts up though because Duluth is beautiful.
In case you were wondering though (okay, I like to think you were), I've been rocking the sporty-80s look the last few day- tshirt dresses (yesterday striped, today grey), layered necklaces, denim jackets and pink low-top converse. I think it's the laid back America vibe getting into me!!

(a simulation of what i wore yesterday)

Talking of which, the style here is very different. Lauren and I get looked at like we're unusual. Kinda like animals in the zoo. The same thing happens whenever we open our mouths. We're different. And everyone knows it.
My style can be a little less than conventional. I wear bright coloured tights and knee socks and tutu skirts and I love to mix up patterns and prints. But I wouldn't say I was majorly out there.
At home I feel that I dress a little differently the everyone else, but not overly so. Many of my friends are similarly adventurous. I do wear my skirts very short but I tend to avoid making a scene and wearing things to shock. I wear what I feel is an extension of myself. In fleeting moments when you just pass people by the way you look in how you project yourself onto the world.
But here, I feel like people aren't looking at me because they think I look nice. People aren't admiring my style, they're judging me. They're confused because I'm different. And it's horrible.
Being different is great, but when you first move to a new place, you want to fit in. And I'm scared no-one is going to want to talk to the strange girl with the crazy clothes.
I love the British High Street and I love British style, but I've only just realised exactly what British style is. I just thought everybody dressed like us, but it seems not. American style is definitely much more laid back and casual. What they consider a great outfit is the kind of thing I would consider boring.
Writing for College Fashion I've had criticisms of the kind of outfits I put together. They've been criticised for being too "matchy matchy" and people have disagreed with my suggestions.
But I guess when it comes to style I dress for who I am. I'm a blogger. I'm a style writer. I have an interest in fashion. I am a budding fashion writer.
But maybe it's a good thing that I stand out more over here. Maybe my blog, and my style will be noticed more for the fact that I'm different.
I dress for who I am and to reflect who I am.
And if that means people think I'm strange for breaking the mould then so be it.
I won't conform to the way that everyone else dresses and behaves.
I won't play it safe.
I promise.



  1. American style is WAY laid back- the title of your post made me chuckle. When we lived there, we were called "Resident Aliens," just like on MIB. Don't worry about being different- when I first moved to America, and then Canada, I felt the same. Don't let is change you. Don't tone it down. Be you!

  2. I've always lived here and I still find general American style a little too laid-back. I love your blog and your style. Stick to your guns!

  3. FIRST OF ALL, OMG, I was quickly browsing your blog and I live in Duluth and currently attend UMD!!! I never thought I'd meet a fellow blogger who was anywhere near my location. This is exciting! We should totally meet up, if that's not borderline creepy. What classes are you taking?

    And...about the fashion here. Duluth definitely is not a stylin' town. I feel out of place here too sometimes, and I don't dress the same way you do. It's even worse on campus...I can't tell you how tired I am of seeing sweatpants...sweatshirts...oversized t-shirts...flip flops...yawn...yawn...yawn. Minneapolis is pretty hipster, so I think we get a bit of that up here, too, but I don't like that style much either.

    Hope your first day of classes is going well!


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