Love, Lust and Links

I know this is a couple of days late, but I've had a bust couple of days so I haven't been able to do an outfit shoot. I went out last night into Manchester with my friends and then went to Birmingham today to see my best friend Ellen. I'm a busy girl!! Promise you'll get an outfit post tomorrow :]]]

1. My friends
Ah my friends are amazing. I got to see my home friends on Sunday and I went out with them last night. Then today I went out with Ellen. We didn't really do anything on Sunday or today with Ellen but when you get on with people so well, you really don't have to.

2. Panda Calendar

Erm, I like pandas. I saw this in Waterstones today and was Umming and Ahhing and I said to Ellen "I think that this would make me happy", and the lady next to us said "Buy it then!!", so I did. I have four 2011 calendars now...

3. New bookmark

I also couldn't resist this amazing bookmark in Waterstones. I've only read 17 but I'm getting there!! I never have a bookmark because I'm often reading three or four books at once, and I usually use train tickets or receipts!!

4. Amazing salads
If you read my New Year's Resolutions you'll know that I'm trying to lose weight this year. Luckily, I've found and made some amazing salads the last few days that make it a little bit easier to stay on track!!

5. Emails
I have received 5 lovely emails the last few days asking for advice on studying abroad and blogging. It means so much when people contact me- thank you so much!! If you have any questions at all, please drop me an email. You can find my address on my Contact tab.

6. Reading
I am stuck in a bit of a rut with my current book so I'm going to start To Kill A Mockinbird, which I'm ashamed to say I've never read.

7. Dexter

I jumped on the Dexter bandwagon the other day. I've only watched 2 episodes but I can't wait to watch some more!!

8. Feeling 18 again
It was very weird last night going out to a club I first started going to at the tender age of 17, but after a while it was so much fun to dance like idiots and be 18 again. Although I'm starting to feel old around the 18 year olds who frequent there now!!

9. Julie's adorable engagement

I'd never seen this before until Julie did her year overview. How adorable is her fiancé?

10. What's App
Best. Invention. Ever.

11. CC's resolutions
College Candy have some awesome (and easy) resolutions. Want resolutions anyone can keep? Check out this post. Want resolutions for your love life? Read this one.

12. Journalism results
Eeek I got 58/60 in my journalism final exam!! :DD I'm gonna have to be a journalist now!!

13. Inspiring bloggers
I love reading the recaps of different bloggers' years. Maria and Andrea have some really inspiring looks.

14.  Trains

I miss train travel so much when I'm abroad. Just the fact that in an hour and a half I can get from Manchester to Birmingham amazes me. I love living in such a small country.

What are you loving this week?

Charlotte xxx


  1. I love train travel!! It's really convenient in the Northeast. Florida, not so much...

  2. I wish America had a better train system :( I hate driving!

    Also To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book!!! I'm glad you're finally reading it - it's really good. :]

  3. I'm a big fan of the "Dexter" show, too. You have a lot of fun ahead of you.

  4. lol i love that you put panda calander there, here in asia there is a channel on tv dedicated to panda's! i sit there just watching them and their crazy cuteness. also love dexter :)


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