Week in Photos

 Just a few Instagram snaps from my crazy-busy week!!

1. Polka dot nails
More nail art- I fancied a change from navy and white
2. Company A/W Edit
I love Company's High Street Edit, and I'd heard great things about the A/W edition. I was not disappointed.
3. Leopard dress
My old room-mate Lauren bought this dress for her Snookie halloween costume and gave it to me. I don't like the top half so I rolled it down as a dress. It's a bit too big on the waist- but do you reckon I'll get away with it as a skirt?

4-6: Presents from Select
Select sent my gorgeous mustard jeans in this pretty black box with a lovely little note.

7: UMD Panda
I bought this Panda during a particularly bad day at UMD. I love him so much. Panda + Year Abroad memories= love.
8. Bean stew
Simple yumminess.
9. Crystals and Crumpets hat
Bargain from Primark!

10. Curry for tea
I love a good curry. I really, really missed curry while I was abroad but it's one of my favourite foods.
11. Yellow nails, yellow jeans
Did I mention that I love mustard?
12. New book
I bought this as a celebration after finishing my 675 page book for uni. I love it so far, but I don't think I'm going to get time to finish it with all the other reading I have to do.

13. Home
Had to get a shot of my front door before I left
14. Van full of clothes
I have a lot of stuff it seems!
15. To the South!
On the drive back

16. New room
It looks a little more disheveled now, but this is my new home
17. Inspirational card
This is my favourite quote ever. I'd forgotten I had a card with it on, so I had to stick it on my wall.
18. Cardigans
I own over 20 cardigans. Is that normal?!

19. Biscuits
49p for Jammie Dodgers in Aldi? I'm there.
20. Bookshelf
I bought all my books for the semester today, urgh. Two books a week until Christmas to read.
21. Old Joe
I have an absolutely beautiful campus. I can't wait to show you around. Old Joe is the largest free-standing clock in the world! Beat that, Big Ben!!

Follow me on Instagram (@girlnextdoorfashion) for more of my weekly snaps!!

Charlotte x


  1. haha I'm wearing leopard now, why wouldn't your friend want it!?
    So jealous of your jeans.
    The Help...awesome and I got through it in 3 days because I couldn't put it down :)

  2. It's so nice to take a look into your personal life every week ;) And I'm seriously wanting mustard jeans too now!


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