Edinburgh Zoo

girl next door fashion outfit

As you probably know, I went to Edinburgh this weekend for my birthday. The main aim was to go and see the pandas, which are the only pandas in the UK and came to Scotland last year. I really, really love pandas. It's quite a recent obsession, developing in the last 3 or 4 years, but I now have quite a collection of panda things! Anyway, ever since the pandas arrived in the UK I've been desperate to go and see them! I was so so so excited and they did not disappoint!

girl next door fashion outfit
Seriously wanted that giant panda!

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girl next door fashion outfit

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At 11.30am (aka, Panda O Clock) I was practically giddy. We were taken in in groups of about 50 and there were about 3 groups for each half hour slot. The pandas are actually kept separately, as they knew it would be dangerous to put them together straight away. They can see each other though from their enclosures, and you might have read that they're going to try to mate them this week, as it seems the lady panda has been calling out to the boy panda! We were very, very lucky that they were so active. We were a bit worried they'd be asleep or hiding but nope, they put on quite a show for us!

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This is Tian Tian, the female panda. She was inside and the lighting was bad, so I didn't get very many pictures of her, but she was showing off and posing for us!

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girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

This is Yang Guang, the male panda. He was in the outside part of his enclosure, so I got LOTS of photos of him. I, as you can imagine, have about 30 more, but I didn't want to overload you with panda pictures! He was super active! Walking around and climbing up his little ramp and jumping down, even doing handstands! It was an absolutely amazing experience, and I am so grateful that my parents took me to see them! 

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And my Dad and I with the "third" panda, Woody haha. Here are some other sights from the zoo. Apparently, there are normally more penguins, but they were off on a vacation while they redid their enclosure! There were lots of other animals, but the koalas were hiding from my camera, the lions were just chilling out and I couldn't get a good picture and the tiger kept going behind a tree!

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girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

girl next door fashion outfit

I promise there will be some photos that aren't of animals tomorrow!

Charlotte x


  1. Awww, I just want to hug them all into oblivion and squeeze that cuteness! (Okay, I'll stop being nauseating right about now..)

    x Joana


  2. Yay giant pandas!



  3. i went to the zoo last week too, for work haha!! how fun. wish the one id gone to had pandas. they are so adorable.

  4. I love your photos of the monkeys!! So happy you weren't disappointed! (sometimes it happens, when you are looking forward to something so much that you're expectations get too high) It looks like you had an amazing time. Did you end up buying any panda stuff from the gift shop? (I'm always a sucker for gift shops...)

  5. omg too cuteeee!!! i love zoo days!


  6. I obviously totally wanted the HUGE toy panda, but I saw a shirt I wanted on a display but they didn't have any of the girls-styles ones, so I ordered it online and it should be here tomorrow. It's like a white shirt with a panda on!

    Charlotte x

  7. I wants to hugz da pandas. (i dont really talk like that in real life, but i felt it necessary for this comment)

  8. That looks like a lot of fun.  The panda's are so cute.  I wish I could hug one without  it trying to eat me.


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