Week in Photos

1. Little bit in love with my toastie maker
Best £17 spent ever.
2. More of Dad's fruit salad
Tinned pineapple is the answer!
3. I love £1.50 latte day!
4. Roasted chickpeas are my favourite snack
5. Breaking Bad, Series One
Super late to the party, but we rented the first series of Breaking Bad the other weekend and I am officially addicted! I've since got Netflix and I'm currently half way through series 2. We watched series 1 in a weekend!
6. My Nan found one of my birth announcements in a pile of old photos!
7. Saturday morning coffee <3
I wasn't convinced when my Mum decided to buy a coffee maker, but I do love my morning coffee!
8. Saturday night out
Yes, I do go out sometimes! Last weekend we went out for cocktails and dancing and I absolutely loved my outfit! Leather skirt, Rolling Stones tshirt and leopard ankle boots.
9. Article on Duluth in the paper!
There was a double page spread in last Sunday's Mail on Sunday on Duluth! I seriously think it is one of the most beautiful places in America and I am so glad to have lived there.
10. Celery and caesar dressing
New favourite snack
11. Bad night's sleep= time to curl hair before work
Every cloud! Plus my mum made my scarf!
12. Homemade croutons
Saving the crusts from toastie to make my own baked croutons. Just whacked them in the oven with some salt, fry light and garlic powder.
13. How to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon
15. When I'm not watching Breaking Bad...
16. Broccoli, feta, tomato and broccoli salad with homemade croutons
17-18. First blood donation!
I gave blood on Thursday for the first time! I've been talking about doing it for years and I've never gotten around to it (usually due to piercings!) but I'm so glad I finally did. It did hurt, but not for very long and I somehow managed to fill the back in about 4 minutes! And yes, I did ask for a sticker.
19. Who says you can't wear bright colours for work?
Friday's outfit is a new favourite. Photos have been taken, I just need to get them up!
20. Also, pink lips!
21. The cutest camera earrings!
How could I resist these for £3?!
22. Just lending my cousin a few of my favourite books. Just a few...
23. Mexican food for dinner!
24. Might have bought 3 (admittedly very different!) black polka dot dresses this week...
The left one is for work, the middle for weekend and the one of the right for a night out in Birmingham next weekend!
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