Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea. A great British tradition. Any excuse to drink lots of tea and eat cake as a meal. And tiny little sandwiches with the crusts cut off. And in our case, a glass or so of wine and good company. Bloody lovely.

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you've probably already met Sian, my blogging best friend. And her Dad, Mr Thomas, is a baker! So when she offered me some lovely baked treats from her Dad's bakery, I couldn't exactly say no, could I? When the box arrived it was like Christmas in our house, with all of us gathered around oohing and ahhing as each thing was unwrapped. The box contained a Yorkshire brack, a lemon drizzle cake (my favourite!), some flapjack (my Dad's favourite!) some strawberry preserve, jammy biscuits and some millionaire's shortbread. But how to make the most of the box of treats? I didn't want to just leave them around the house because they wouldn't last long with my Dad around (sorry Dad!) and we wanted to do something special, so my Mum suggested afternoon tea. We invited my friend Eve over, baked some scones (for the jam!), made some cute little sandwiches and had an afternoon of sugar overload and fun.
Everything we had was absolutely lovely. My favourite were the jammy biscuits and the jam! I had to scrape the chocolate off my millionaire's shortbread as you can see above because I gave chocolate up for lent! After we'd finished eating we played a bit of a game. Thomas the Bakers are now selling online so we played a little guessing game. We all had a piece of paper and we all had to guess the prices of each of the items we had. Surprisingly, everything was actually cheaper than we expected. Plus we had loads! My Dad had supplies for the next few days, Eve took some things home and I was definitely in the good books at work on Monday morning!

If you want to sample some of the wonderful things Thomas the Bakers have online, you can get a 10% discount online using the code BLOGGER10 until the 17th March. Afternoon tea was a great way to hang out with my friends and family instead of the usual meals out or cinema trips, and an excuse to get out my Nan's fancy china!
wonderful! :) Irene Wibowo
ReplyDeleteThis post looks so delicious. These pictures are great! I wish afternoon tea was a thing in the US. I love cakes and pastries so much. Whenever I have the chance, I eat cake for breakfast so this seems like a tradition that would be right up my alley!
ReplyDeleteOh my god, I've given up cake and sweets for lent so this post is a real killer but in the best way!! These treats look amazing!xx
We had a tea party a couple of weeks back with some of our uni friends, although it was way less fancy than this! That picture of the millionaire's shortbread is killing me, because it is one of my favourites and I am in dire need of feeding. Off to make tea, I think... All the cakes look amazing though, and I'll be saving that site in case I ever get the urge for some decent shortcake. The bakeries we have here are a bit lacking in that department! Now I'm going have to persuade my housemates to let me do a proper, less thrown together tea party.
Also, that crockery is amazing.
For some reason my Disqus account wasn't logged in- Kathryn is me!