
Tonight, for the first time ever, I made my Mum's roast potatoes.
Now my Mum's roast potatoes are kind of a thing. She's been making them the same way for as long as I can remember and any time she makes them differently everyone kind of peers at them curiously thinking, what the heck are these?
They're my favourite roast potatoes in the world and nothing compares to them.
Tonight when I sent her a photo of my dinner (after at least 15 texts between us throughout my meal preparation checking how to use a steam basket and how long carrots take to cook) I said "they tasted just like yours!". She immediately text me back saying "nooooo mine are the best!!!!!!"
And that's my Mum all over.

My Mum drives me crazy.
She steals my clothes, copies everything I wear and still tells me to make sure I look left and right when I cross the road.
But she's my best friend.
I tell her everything. Including a lot of things I probably shouldn't tell my Mum. When I lived at home I would never have made plans on a Saturday afternoon because that was our time. She eats all the weird and wonderful recipes I put together and she always tells me it's lovely even if we both know it isn't. She sneaks me upstairs to show me things she's bought that my Dad isn't supposed to know about. We spend hours discussing makeup, the latest food trends and why neither of us can get nail polish to stay on our nails for more than 24 hours. 
When Phil and I signed for our flat I knew it was going to be hard for my Mum. For both of us.
Other people don't get it.
But you've lived away at Uni. You lived in America for a year.
We know, we know.
It took me a long time to realise that not everyone has the relationship with my Mum that I have. I'm always shocked when people tell me secrets and tell me "my parents don't know." I tell my parents everything, good and bad.
I could not be more appreciative of that relationship.
When I lived at home, I probably saw Phil twice a week but the rest of the time I would just spend hanging out with my parents. And I had absolutely no problem doing that. Why would I?
My Mum drives me crazy.
But where would I be without her?
I text her all through the day and ring her nearly every night.
I've spilled this on my dress - how do I get it off?
How long does this take in the oven?
How do I sew a button on?
She drove me to the station to get my train every day for work, even though she could have had an extra hour or two in bed.
She held my hand and looked after me while I cried when I had an unexpected trip to the hospital.
She offered to get the train into Manchester to see me when I had a bad week.
She has always looked after me and always had the answer to every question.
And I know for a fact she's crying reading this. Sorry Mum.
My Mum drives me crazy. Because we're exactly the same.
I catch myself doing and saying things every day that make me laugh because they're just like my Mum.
Making sure the cushions on the bed are neat. Not putting a glass down without a coaster.
Saying silly things that I would tease my Mum for.
Worrying about my hair.
We both love it when people tell us we look alike.
I was asked to write a post about my Mum to be entered to win a rail trip to Bruges for the two of us, and I couldn't think of anything we would enjoy more. I tried to keep the competition a secret from her, but of course, I ended up telling her.
Last year we went away to a Hen party in Amsterdam, just the two of us. It was the first time we'd really had a holiday just the two of us.
We had the absolute time of our lives. In fact, quite a few times we left the rest of the group just to do what we wanted to do!
We talked about getting away just the two of us this year, but with me having bills and rent to pay for the first time, I don't know if it will happen. 
The competition is judged on "the most deserving Mum". How on Earth do you pick that? My mum might not have done anything that anyone else would deem incredible or remarkable, but I think she deserves this more than anyone.
We had a tough year last year and she had a few health problems, but she's fighting back stronger than ever and isn't going to let anything get her down. She's my best friend, my inspiration and the woman I most aspire to be. 
I'm thankful to her for always pushing me. I didn't always like it, but it's turned me into the woman I am today. Ambitious and determined and never, ever giving up.
I'm thankful to her for always being there for me, and for putting up with me when I can be a total nightmare.
I'm thankful to her for always being supportive, always looking after me but always giving me the freedom and independence to be who I wanted to be.
I don't think I'll win the trip, but why would I miss an opportunity to write about how wonderful my Mum is?
I love you Mum. My best friend.


  1. This post was so lovely!

  2. Awww! This post was so sweet. People tell me I look like my mom too. I hope you win the trip!

    Jamie |


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